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Bob & Lorie Johnston
18323 Riley Road     Newell, SD 57760

Updated 1/30/2025
 Our ranch is located just north of the Black Hills ( about 8 miles northwest of Newell, SD.)   We have been raising & riding foundation quarter horses  for more than 40 years.   Our horses succeed in roping, timed events, trail riding, ranch work & make great youth horses.    Our stallions are registered with the NFQHA.  We specialize in horses with King crossed on Alamitos Bar, Three Bars, and Leo bred mares.  We also have the highest number of horses that are closely related to the great old Chieflika.  We have just added Doc Bar and Sun Frost bred horses.  
Stop in to look.  We would love to show you our horses.

Our horses are the good using horses resulting from crossing King, Poco Bueno & Leo bred foundation stallions on Three Bars and Chieflika bred mares.  We strive to raise sure footed, athletic horses with good minds & super dispositions.  Many of our horses are related to Miss Centava Chief(1975 daughter of Chieflika).  Chieflika (ROM) was a top barrel & pole horse along with an excellent cutting & calf roping horse in SD in the 1960s. We have had the opportunity to stand 2 stallions that were Leo grandsons and 1 son of Alamitos Bar and many or our horses carry these bloodlines.  We then added high percentage King horses so we have several mares that are more than 20% King P234 and one mare with King on her papers.  Our current stallion is a buttermilk buckskin that is 16% King P234 along with Chieflika breeding.  He also has Doc Bar on his papers.  His colts have great dispostions, learn quickly, love people and are very athletic.  
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  June 1, 1975 ---December 7, 2008  We were saddened by the loss of this great mare. 
Congratulations to Skye Schaper and Jon, the NDHSRA pole bending average winner at the state finals.  Skye and Jon are doing well in pole competition in 2012.  Jon is by Forty Two King and out of Keleo Belle, the dam of AlamitosSunFrost Son.
Brett Wilcox and Hoddy Turk at 
SDHSRA finals
Horses with bloodlines of King, Leo, Three Bars and Chieflika
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Sold Horses
Tyrel Gewecke with one of the saddles he won heading on King, a gelding by Forty Two King and  out of AlaMaude.  
Taylor McFarland and her horse Docs Breezy Chief at Buck Branneman clinic
Leo Shanty King at 
2015 Dash and Dance Barrel Race
For Sale in 2025